We had fun just walking,the snow was aver our knees and we kept breaking thru the crust. (Well,I had snow shoes on...)
The tarp shed has not come down much more than before, the "mushroon of tubes and satellite dish had fallen over, the front door was blocked by the roof load coming down and the front sliding doors were just barely openable
(note to self-the posts need to be replaced)
But it was fine to get out and get some fresgh air and see the cabin, it is a beautifull place... we were getting cabin fever in town!
Now comes more cold and then mud season!
Years ago I used to go to the family cabin at chestermere lake in the winter...to check on it... drive on the ice, get stuck in the snow, hang out with grandma Dowler...see the lake low -watch the ice move in the spring.. see it slowly slide up the rocks at the south end...waiting for summer to come.
Daniel, so nice to read the blog and know things as they are...
happy spring!
is it still winter there?? you still have snow on the ground in August? where do you live? Inuvit or the south pole?
Hi Daniel,
I just showed this photo to my husband and he confirmed that this is where we were living for a time in 1987. My son was conceived here.
Such memories, it's amazing. Are the little family of chipmunks still living close by?
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