He started up at Notch Hill area and then moved here to Vernon where he lived at the west end of what is now called "POTTERY ROAD"... after him of course. The road itself cuts through the local glacial earthenware clay- a gray- green gumbo that takes a lot of grog to bring to a usable state.
I made some pots years ago with this clay, a couple survive. Burt Cohen tried for quite some time to do so ... after some time he switched. Problems with scummy glazes and lime pops I suppose.
But it was fun trying, and I thjink I will do so again with the children at Beairsto this year.And we plan to do a mural of this photograph for the halls. When Alex died he left his money to crippled children, I have readthis in an article written by Bob Kingsmill some years ago.
Alex's grave is in the old part of the Pleasany Valley cemetary- in amongst the tall Ponderosa Pines. It is an unmarked grave as of yet.
I used to park there with my children sleeping in the car-and we gathered pine cones together when they woke up.
Alex died when I was born- 1954
His pottery is still around- in houses and the Vernon museum has quite a collection.
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